Business psychology consulting
Leadership concepts are more important than ever in times of change, ambiguity and uncertainty. Developing leadership skills requires constant learning, listening and communicating. The path that a good leader has to take in order to be recognized as such is usually not easy and takes time. We use scientific methods to help you find suitable leaders and empower your existing team in the best possible way.
Appropriate leadership for person and situation
quantics plus has been active in the research and development of leadership styles and leaders for years. We support companies in developing and building the right leadership team for their set goals. Are the right people already on board? Do they have the required skills for their tasks? What happens when the situation and environment of the company changes? We help not only to ask this question, but also to find data-driven answers.
01 Diagnostic
Selection and development of executives by means of psychological testing, measuring and training methods
02 Training
Impulses, workshops and trainings for executives (individual or in groups)
03 Leadership development
Development of situation-specific leadership styles for companies, teams or groups
04 Talent Development
Systematic promotion of junior executives and elaboration of development paths
Knowledge in Organizations | Ass. Prof. Dr. Florian Offergelt
Lecture of our partner Ass. Prof. Dr. Florian Offergelt at the Long Night of Research 2020 on the topic of knowledge in organizations and the intentional withholding of knowledge by managers (GER)
Knowledge Hiding am Arbeitsplatz (SZ-Artikel)
Knowledge Hiding in der Praxis: Eine Bestandsaufnahme in deutschen Unternehmen
Ass. Prof. Dr. Florian Offergelt
Why knowledge is retained in organizations
Ass. Prof. Dr. Florian Offergelt